Fonty’s Pool, Hamelin Bay and Margaret River

K jumping into Fonty’s Pool

In the southwest of Western Australia near Manjimup, among the apple orchards and tall trees, lies Fonty’s Pool, otherwise known as “the fountain of youth”.  It’s “half an acre of fresh spring water”.  The trees were changing and you could feel autumn in the air.  K and R and I spent a whole day in and out of the pool.

Our two nights at Fonty’s pool–there’s an adjacent caravan park–were cold. We slept with hot water bottles, long underwear, fleeces and beanies.

On our last morning it was about 14 degrees outside and K and I enjoyed the pool to ourselves.

Sunset at Hamelin Bay

Next stop: Hamelin Bay, home to some friendly stingrays.


Inside Jewel Cave

Lee took the girls to one of the many caves and let me do part of the Cape to Cape trek one day–an arduous walk with stunning sea views–10 k was enough for me.

K helping herself at the Margaret River Chocolate Factory

We couldn’t resist the famed wineries and chocolate factory at Margaret River, home to 150 wineries.  I showed great restraint (and respect for our budget) and visited just one.  The girls enjoyed free samples at the chocolate factory.

We stayed the night with Lee’s friends from Wales, Suzanne and Kev, in their beautiful house in Busselton. Ah, to be indoors!

Next stop, Perth.  K will go to a local deaf school for two weeks and Lee will look for work.

Author: sarahklenbort

I'm a Brisbane-based writer and mother of two children--one deaf and one hearing. I'm also a sessional academic at the University of Queensland, where I teach literature and creative writing. In 2016, my husband and I took the kids out of school and travelled around Australia with a camper trailer, visiting deaf schools along the way. When we found Toowong State School, it was so good, we decided to move to Queensland! We still have the trailer and take off for the bush whenever we can.

One thought on “Fonty’s Pool, Hamelin Bay and Margaret River”

  1. Always good to see friends from Wales … I am catching up on your blog, in reverse order through the last three posts so I can see where you have been. I feel like I’m learning as you go, just a little bit of what you’re experiencing.


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